Thursday, July 27, 2006

last training!
You know, I don't particularly feel blubbery or anything, which is very weird, since last year people were wiping their eyes on their sleeves left right and centre. And last year we were all in a much subdued mood. I have a feeling it's the sugar in the cake. Or something. Maybe we were all spiked! And tomorrow we'll wake up drunk. I mean I was blubbery last night because of stuff which were not exactly related to __. I think I'm getting off-topic. Today we learnt lots of new cheers, songs, chants and war-cries! (though no rain dances) And we were very very high:D and happy and today we also had our last firstaid lesson with the sec4 ma'ams- we haven't had fistaid since before sfa (as far as I can remember) I don't think the fact that the ma'ams aren't going to be back anymore has set in properly. It might get settled in comfortably after pop though, and goh. andand jiayan was a l33t i/c! we were stalkers today heh.

Mrbrown went to the ComicCon! pfft. kol and mugglenet were there, okay. though they probably didn't go to those booths, since middle-aged adults tend to be interested in video games, i.e. rpgs and whatnot with great graphics etc. I wanted to go to the ComicCon! Its a convention in SanDiego for nerds. and people go there to talk to other geeks. Though it would be lovely to meet other harry fans and discuss theories! and probably get to meet jick(creator of kol) if I get lucky.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Something that I found today:
MerLarry's characteristic 1960s Jaqueline Kennedy coif is what makes her such a fashion icon. She is trying to bear the weight of her hundred and fifty years but has self-doubts, in particular, her personal gender issues. The mermaid-like curve of her body is partly why she thinks she is overweight, but the caricature looked so well on MerLarry merchandise, that her manager thought, "Why not?"
MerLarry has a human-like face, with the slight curves in her fish's body bringing out the shine in her red and yellow scales. Her triangular, neon green fins might now be serving a mere aesthetic purpose since she spends most of her time on land. Her big 'do used to be the most popular fashion in her time, but she was convinced that it is as timeless as Jackie O., although her critics call it a 'mushroom head'. Constantly petting her hair and applying hairspray in liberal amounts, MerLarry is self-concious and wants to look her best for the press always. Her buck teeth are almost concealable after years of botched-up dental surgery.
Often seen commenting on the latest trends, MerLarry has her own fashion line. She has embarked on a quest; to get everyone to wear her clothes, which will hopefully boost her self-esteem.
MerLarry is technically a fantasy character- she has a quest, self-doubts, and is a mythical creature; though it doesn't really fit the fantasy genre in terms of language and style, but whatever. It is a parody of whatever you like- Singapore's national icon, Anna Wintour, or even today's celebrities. (everyone who is anyone has a clothes/perfume line.) Chimp might have preferred it if I were to change 'personal gender issues' to 'sexual orientation', but I wanted to keep it PG-13. R&R if you feel like.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Haven't blogged in a week- is that good or bad?

In general, please don't call people names. Support your assumptions with evidence and elaboration and don't jump to conclusions. Everyone has a right to say whatever they like, and you can choose whether to take offence or not. You don't have to see each other every day if you don't want to, and you don't even know them/him/her/it personally. And if you don't like what she/he/it has said, you can go wiki your thoughts and cite sources etc but don't say anything without doing your homework first, or you're just as good as a flamer.

yearmates post a lot about rcy stuffums, and I don't usually do that because anyone might be able to visit your blog, and also because I have a very short attention span and I tend to blog about whatever I am doing at that that moment. For example, kol, fanfiction, crystal/geeru asking me to go to sleep etc. Though if you have noticed, these also include things that I am blubbering about. If you want me to talk about something, tag/msn me so I have sufficient inspiration to keep this blog going. I am sufficiently longwinded to write in full detail about anything, which should logically mean that I could keep this going by myself, but the things which I think about are too boring/ordinary to be mentioned, for example, my sister's squashed doughnut from xiamen. I should learn to keep my entries short and succinct so that I will have a higher viewership. Like people who go " It's all your fault. Why do you have to do this to me?" =end of entry= They convey their emotions of angst effectively in two sentences.

Bhangrarobics! [sp?] loong and other dancey people had a lovely time. I did too! I have a feeling old ladies do this. Very bollywood((: It was fairly sunny, and everyone had worked up a good sweat. Then we had food, where we mostly slacked and ate lots of bad stuff (that were also vegan, which was ok) Went upstairs and tried to look for devil's curry, which crystal recommended but mush and I couldn't find. Masala tea was very nice-smelling-a lot like herbal tea with milk. Then the performances, where almost everyone used highschoolmusical so our ndp item has to be revamped): or onelove, which we also have. The dances were ok, though I especially liked the second last performance because it had the most technique and genuine dancability but not as much relavance, so they didn't exactly get any prizes): but __ won! woot. and I like someone's shoes :D and I know why we couldn't have goh prac today.

Friday, July 14, 2006

delias's fall catalog is out! ((: You absolutely have to take a look. They have very retro-inspired stuff, especially from the 60s- think audrey hepburn. And very english too. Delias is based in the US, so you have to order online, and that means you need a credit card (which i don't) and I dont think my parents are willing to pay for the stuff): But the clothes in singapore are very... for lack of a better word, boring. I mean they all look the same, and everyone wears the same thing (except Frau Ostlund) And it's fairly difficult to get anything that looks like delias in singapore stores. The fall catalog also means that summer wear is on sale! and I <3 their swimwear. also try for neat stuff((:

Monday, July 10, 2006

I should start having headings to my posts so it'll be easier to find later.

ocw: introduction to biology fall'04
Today I was wandering around ocw (OpenCourseWare by mit), looking for a break from lightning on the wave, and I found an introductory biology course which has video lectures! Which is the closest you can get to actually being at mit, and I wanted to experience it for myself. The lecture is sbout an hour long, and I have broadband, so it might be a little difficult for dial-ups, if you want to download it. I watched Genetics I, becuase my sister was interested in it but just listens for the fun of it, and it was fairly comprehensive and understandable. This is like the one class that I know I wont sleep in x), because the teacher/professor was being fun and interesting, and of course it's something I'm interested in. It is somewhat of a prerequisite to have studied genetics in high school/secondary education, and he takes it for granted that you know all this stuff already. I have a basic grasp of what he's talking about, and he didn't go into anything too complex, so it was ok. haha but the funny thing is I feel comfortable in the class and I wouldn't mind actually taking it, as an alternative to bio lessons at school. But yes I know being too specialised too early isn't good because you need to have a broad idea of what is happening; and what if you change your mind and don't like it etc. This lecture talked mainly about what the professor thinks defines biology today, and he did an early introduction to genetics with gregor[sp?] mendel, was a bright young thing, how he was pressed by society to do his experiments and he didn't do it all alone, and he discussed allelles[sp?], the dominant and recessive gene and after that a little of chromosomes. Did you know that 'chromosome' translates literally into 'coloured things'? 'chromo' is like um 'monochrome' I think, and it generally means 'colour'. And it was just because they didn't know what the coloured things that the dyes revealed were-_-" I mean narrow Xes are very interesting to look at and postulate about. On the discussion forums, there were some people who were actually serious about the course and are doing the readings, the assignments etc. I'm just watching the movies. lazy me. But there is a LOT of reading to do in most of the courses I've seen (even in hiphop study!) so there is preparation you need to do before/after the class. Plus the fact that there are 3 lectures per week, an hour each, and 2 sessions of recitations per week.- i dont really know what recitations are. But its more than what we get for school, with all the homework to do, might be kind of difficult to manage. That's considering the other courses you have to take (I dont know how many) and the work you do to pay for your tuition and the housework, etc that you have to do regularly. Am I overreacting? haha or am I fairly accurate?

other emo ramblings
I feel like I am the dumbest person in the whole universe. Even if you delve into the far reaches of the galaxies, you'll never find someone who is slower than I am. I will be exercising greater self-censorship, and no, you won't find the confessional tell-all that you will be looking for, which also will not be invsible. Though somtimes I might decide to put what I am feeling into cryptic, hopefully undecipherable, heat-of-the-moment haikus, in a bid to vent my fustration. I feel sad. and stupid. and unaccomplished. I and I know the exact reason why- I don't do the work. I am just an emofreak who knows how to bawl her eyes out and drown in her pool of self-pity and sorrow and not do much else. and that is why I am pathetic. rahh this is starting to look like a cry for attention, but what I really want is a solution to my procrastination. The realisation of how these scribbles would look like to ## ####### is just starting to dawn on me and I am exercising this last scrap of self-discipline to end here.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Dream.

My thoughts are dancing among the moon and stars
Sometimes running freely like children
They are rampaging buffaloes that my concience lassoes.

My mind is like a clattering movie player
Memories are the worn tapes;
The emotions are the edges of the negatives.

I am a dam about to burst
The raging waters are a whirlpool
The channels are sealed.

I thrive in the dark of the night
Waiting at the witching hour
For a knight in shining armour

My conciousness in the world of flying cars
My heart riding in a horse-dawn carriage
My body in a SUV.

Analyse! and you will see. R&R if you feel like, though it is very incoherent. Let me know what you come up with! :D

Monday, July 03, 2006

*breaks into a fit of tears* syf is over! have been blubbering for the most part of my weekend and being an emofreak. and also because I'm pms-y, but nevermind. there should be nothing worth sniffing about anymore. stop being a wimp, nicole. I met nice and fun people((: and um pro people like fiona and deborah and her yearmate! and alisa, chantel, samantha, stella, stephanie, teresa, weiting and peixuan! And I got to know my yearmates a lot better. There were a couple of times when I wanted to cry but didn't- you know when you get all choked up and the tears come but you blink them away? because yingling told me to stop looking miserable(: I'll miss drinking bottles and bottles of water. (and peeing afterward) I'll miss ironing my uniform at unearthly hours of the morning. I'll miss changing in parkmall/ junction8/ plaza sing and doing funny things in otherwise public places. I'll miss gingerbars! and how they tasted like ginger snaps with lime. I'll miss getting sunburnt. I'll miss getting sore heels, cramped toes, sore arms, and a little armpit abraisions. I'll miss the cheers! (mich might like the banana one) I'll miss the sirs and ma'ams. I'll miss the crazy people [valerie!]. I'll miss marching into flies! (even if that only happened once) I might even miss the veggie-free nuggets and fish burger lunch. What with everything going on, thank goodness I have monday to do my homework. I think I'll start crying like farah did right about now. I am emotionally unstable! I am going to go blogsurfing to see if there is anyone who is as emo as me. I am considering leaving the melted plastic on my boot in rememberance of syf. ( I cant get it off anyway lol)
yet another person is appalled by your lack of censorship charisseD:
I watched a musical just now! with audrey hepburn and fred astaire, both of whom are great dancers/singers. and I forgot the name of the musical -.-" though I saw it advertise in today's paper- the lifestyle section of the sunday times. The film was of very poor quality): but it was a lovely romantic thing, so it came out fine. though it hasn't got quite that much depth as my fair lady, audrey hepburn played out her role as the innocent girl quite well. (I like her ponytail!) But the worse thing were the long ads that came out at inoppurtune moments, though the film, with the ads, was 2 hours long, compared to my fair lady, which is at least 3 hours without ads. somehow this time audrey hepburn ends up yet falling for someone who is way too old for her- I have no idea how fred astaire could do his tap solo, and lift audrey when they were doing their ballet- like thing. he has crow's feet and a receding hairline, for goodness sake. and there was a younger love rival, too; why couldn't she pick him?! but if that happened it wouldn't be as heart-melting as it was meant to be. oh and there was this other middle-aged woman, who was audrey's mentor in the show, and she danced almost as well as her, but has ballroom training, unlike, audrey, who (I think) has had ballet training. There's a lot more emphasis on footwork than in so you think you can dance- that had a lot of fancy music and tricks.
charisse: the devil has come and I really really don't mind a T :D
and yingling, cheer up ok? (: your yearmates are here for you(: