Monday, September 04, 2006

It's late. I should go to sleep soon. I will type really quickly! And mooch a little till I find something to talk about.

The reason why I don't really talk much about what happened today etcetc and more about "ooh mugglecast!" is because I don't really want other people to know stuff. Like the angsty stuff people moan about- "I hate you" "today sucked" etcetera. Not that I have anything against them, but these people have the courage to rant openly, and I respect that. I don't have that kind of courage, because I am eternally reminded that my blog is for everyone to see, and that means everyone. For example, if I said " you%#@*" someone else may read it and think it is him/her, and will therefore result in a misunderstanding. Secondly, I believe in a polite policy and that also means no words that rhyme with witch. (I have never found a need to call anyone that anyway) And also I have met loads of flamers on forums who talk like it's the only word they know, as well as fics written by people who have a very limited vocabulary, so you don't have to see another person like that here. I know someone who is supposed to be a role model (noodle for short) and noodle goes **** left right and centre on noodles' blog, and I don't know what kind of image noodle's showing to people who don't know noodle in person.
Back to angst. The feelings I feel that make me mad occur because of either rgsrcy-related problems, family problems, or school problems, all of which I feel are too personal to be put here. Firstly, I am very aware that many sagas can happen, have happened, or are happening right now because of things people have said on their blogs. I am also aware that inter-unit spats can happen because of what people say, and are best to avoid. And school problems are entirely my fault.

I think I said too much. And I feel like barfing because of the comp. I can't/don't want to sleep today because it's so late that it doesn't matter if I sleep or not. I have problems keeping on track, and I keep digressing. I felt oddly lonely today and yesterday and the day before and flat. I need a shrink. Or a yearmate. Or my blue nicole teddy that I just can't find. Everyone seems to be ranting. This technically isn't ranting because of the fact that it is so randomised. I think the only think I am good at is being random and longwinded and fibbing and making up stuff. Which aren't usefull skills unless you work in the advertising industry, or the government. Can someone call me? I need a lovely long telephone conversation. Oh and it would be cool if you haven't called before. Maybe I should call someone. But everyone else is doing something. And I am doing nothing. I wonder how this might look to somebody else. I am not trying to be funny or anything on purpose. I have the right to post this on my blog because this blog is mine and you don't have to read through all this crap because I have a feeling ( and you should too) that everything from this sentence on is pure and utter nonsense. I absolutely cannot write a personal exposition keeping on topic and on point and making it have unity and coherence. I am trying to make this as vague as possible so that a therapist won't think I need to have a pill anything or that I've been shooting up or anything, but this is so incoherent that I probably have. This is exactly how I'm feeling right now and you can probably guess. You know how Sally in Peanuts offers therapy for 5 cents? I wish somebody else did.

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