Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I am selfish, irritable, cranky, inconsiderate, self-centred, and in desperate need of anger management. I also felt like heaving this morning, and tended to scream at people more than usual.

I was thinking of having a harry potter release party either on the day itself (July 21st) where everyone gathers with coffee and cookies to read and then mass review after, or a pre-party a week before (July 13th) to coincide with the movie and to discuss theories or do readings (reading aloud of the various books in the series). Since most of the release parties are organised by major bookstores, and there is no harrypotter-fan community in Singapore that I know of, (I have no parties to go to!) it would be nice if I could do my own. If enough people are interested, we could even hold it in school or something- a bigger area for more people. (I wish!) In the meantime, it would be nice if people could second me on the ideas, or say which party they prefer. I 'll also be on the hunt for any singaporean fanbases, so see if they have anything planned. If nobody is really interested, the least I could do is a small gathering with people like sihui, siling, chele, geeru, charisse, crystal and other fans. Mugglenet is probably doing parties and even a tour (in the US D:) haha so I feel pretty left out.

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