Thursday, September 20, 2007

hi :D oh and correction: harry cannot be compared to esther, primarily because one is female and the other male, and secondly, they both have wildly differeing personalities, so.

What would make for universal and interesting reading would be book reviews: I've read Foundation by Issac Asimov and I'm halfway through From the Dust Returned, by Ray Bradbury. And I've (only just -_-") discovered that From the Dust Returned is a novel version of the picture book, the Haunting. (which I talked about a few posts ago) They're due on friday though, so I think I'll return them and borrow them at a later date to finish. Plus there are ONLY 2 translated versions of the play Spring Awakening in the Reference Library (grr.) and that means I can't borrow them or anything, which also means I'll probably have to go there for a couple hours after the eoys to read it on the spot. I like the translated full-length plays! because the musical is kind of lacking in dialogue-- how much can you fit in 2-3 hours, what with all the songs and dramatic moritz monologues. But I'm just quibbling, because I wouldn't have liked it so much without the songs. The text plays explain a lot that is not said in the musical, and you get to analyse a bit, when you stare at the page for a while. Urgh I don't like fangirling on my own; you don't have anyone to argue with/ extol merits of various songs.

There's something very very pressing in my mind and I hate hate it and I want it to go away so I ignore it, but it refuses to wish itself off. It's not homework or anything academically-related, because those problems are MUCH easier to solve. (I did math filing yesterday!) Whining isn't a very good thing to do. I have also discovered that I am angsty, seeing from harry's characterisation in Underwater Light by maya. I should focus on the things most important (i.e. the eoys) and not on anemone problems, however prominent they are. Because! it is vital that I don't fail anything this time, or my gpa will be more screwed than it already is.

Monday, September 17, 2007

It's kind of quiet here, at not peak-ish hours. I like it when it's quiet because you don't have other people looking over your shoulder (actually this shouldn't matter because a blog is public anyway) or hovering over you, waiting to use the computer. I haven't been writing properly for ages, so maybe that's why my language is... somewhat different from what I was writing before. I'm using non-committal words! Which implies that I am non committal as well, which is NOT GOOD, and not what potential employers are looking for.

I feel so idealistic, thinking about employers and jobs. It's not like I'm going to be really efficient and send in my resume to everyone who doesn't ask for O levels, (quite a few, when I went to look) but it's just that I would like a WEP that I'm going to look for myself. You know what, if you knew me irl, you would know that I don't really mean what I said. No, scratch that. I mean what I say but I won't actually do it-- take the proposed potter party, for example. I have big stupid lofty ideas but not the exact plans to do them, you know. Which will ultimately be my downfall, though "The last enemy that shall be conquered is death." Okay that last quote was really random, and not very appropriate, but I just want to show off that I remember it. Haha that last statement was REALLY tactful. Tactful is the wrong word! but you kind of ish understand me, right?

This post is going nowhere, I just felt like blogging and I did it! Just like yingling, who feels like blogging every week or so, and does it. Only my posts aren't as enlightening or philosophical, and of course you know I fib a lot. Sometimes I think writing things down and recording things is very useful, because it helps me think through things slooowly, because when I think things out in my head I go from point A to B to F, and I skip a lot of things on the way as a result. I don't... think it thouroghly enough, or in depth, but I go very far in breadth, which resulted in comparing myself to wormtail, and harry to *cough*esther*cough*.

Today's post wasn't about anything in particular, and I am assured by the fact that orson scott card doesn't exactly keep on topic either, on the "Uncle Orson Reviews Everything" section on his website. Okay now a lot of the computers are occupied and I suppose I have to scram. Making the font size 6 prevents people from seeing what you are really doing, which is a great, but not foolproof thing for shared computers.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Actually I posted the last post on sept 7th, not monday sept 3rd--- I wrote the post on monday, switched the computer off, and thanks to blogger's amazing autosave, monday's post was saved and I didn't have to write an entirely new one on friday. (I think it was most likely really late thursday night)

anyway, people seem to be posting quite regularly, and I feel guilty. (that includes neil gaiman and Viva La Vegan) But! seeing as I never keep my promises, I don't think blogging more often will help. case in point: I promised to talk about endings and stuff in the last post, but after rigourous self-censorship, nothing has passed the test! Therefore there most likely won't be anything about things past, or maybe just a very little bit.
I can't believe I was in The Room today (for the very first time), and I just sat there, staring at everything, the floor even. I feel like such a naive idiot. This so clearly proves that I am a groupie, and that I overcomplicate things. Though most of the time talking things out helps (a lot!) and then you find you aren't the only one who frets. Thinking of it now, I think I should have seen the post coming. As in if one just uses his/her logic and powers of elimination, it kind-of-ish fits. I think yearmates expected it more that I did, although I must admit I was surprised (in a good way!) and had a slow reaction time.
Oh I remember now! I. am. so. wormtail. Think about the things we have in common! I swear I have mousey tendencies-- the voice, nose, personality. _watch for my betrayal, people._
Today is a space day. because I am writing in so incoherent sentences, I have no choice but to paragraph every sentence or two, because no two sentences connect. I mean, I don't think I am even thinking about the same thing when I start the sentence and end it. I was primarily inspired to blog today by yingling :D and one must have inspiration to blog! and so I did, and the rest is history! woot. as you can see, today I am merely crapping. The last paragraph was practically filler.
okay I must must fangirl about the producers! watch it on youtube! "Springtime for Hitler in Germany, winter in Poland and France!" "if you've got it, flaunt it" "we can do it" ooh yayness.

Monday, September 03, 2007

yay okay my keyboard works now :D turns out that the batteries I was using were the used ones -_-"

right. in relation to saturday, don't read what I said the wrong way-- I mean it in a good way. Okay not "good" but a positive way. Do you get what I mean? I think I should just not say anything out here because... everybody's been through it/ going to go through it sooner or later (it depends who you are) and the people whom I need to say things to don't have to resort to reading it here; not that I'll stop saying things here, just that [this is understood!] I'll self-censor more. And also because everyone else is more or less using their common sense, and only saying what needs to be said.

Let's talk about something interesting! i.e. my sniffles. Last thursday I had a sore throat. I hate that part of getting sick because you feel a lot of discomfort when you swallow and somehow it gets worse if the weather is warm. On friday it got really sunny and hot, so I got very warm but didn't sweat and felt feverish (and delirious) On friday night I was really considering not going for pop, heh. But I went! With more than a couple panadols. Being in a sniffy, clogged up, and head-in-the-clouds state does not do anything for your level of alertness= a really dense me. Today it didn't really get any better and I had to skip math clinic-- which I wish I wouldn't have skipped because my math gpa is practically at a sub-zero level.

Spring Awakening! I especially like [Left Behind]. It was sung at moritz's funeral, where moritz was an angst-ridden teen who committed suicide. Spring Awakening freely explores the timeless theme of teenage angst, showcasing reality in its most raw form. Adapted from a book written in 1891, it clearly shows that the tumultuous emotions that youth today feel are not just a product of media influences in the 21st century, but a product of truths one discovers along the road to self-discovery. oh, and its themes are similar to the ones in The Virgin Suicides, a book and movie which I reviewed last year.
It's currently on at the Eugene O'Neil theatre on Broadway, and has plans to start a US national tour in Fall 2008. The producers also have intentions of launching productions in London, Tel Aviv, Germany, Austria, Sydney, Spain, Japan, the Netherlands, and South Korea. The London and Sydney productions will open in 2008. So. for me to watch a live performance asap, I have to go to London or Sydney next year, or the US national tour. I've watched the entire thing already on myspacetv, but there is NOTHING like watching a musical live. rawr. maybe if I go to Sydney I'll go watch phantom too and see if anthony warhol is as good as cat extols. But it would be even better if it could go on an international tour and I could fangirl with people in person, instead of trying to squee with people living on the other side of the earth, and waiting an entire day for their responses because of the stupid time differences. I've been trying to get people to watch it on youtube/ myspacetv, but it hasn't been catching on. ): (probably because fangirling about musicals is such a geek thing to do.)

I think I'll talk about chalet and related things tomorrow because I need to ruminate, and do what sihui calls emo-ing.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

I have something to say! Something revolutionary! Something which has never been disclosed to the public! Something to do with onions, dartboards, and meerkats!

Unfortunately, this is not the place to say it, and probably not mine to say. HAHA. *compares self with rita skeeter* Speaking of Skeeter, life would be a hell of a lot easier if I were as thick-skinned as she is. Then I wouldn't wallow, be poseur-goth or immature. For some reason a part of me thinks I just put the opening paragraph there to make people read this potentially long-winded post, because everyone knows deep inside what I am going to say anyway, and would believe it better if it came from the mouth of a different person.

sorry my keyboard died --i'm using the onscreen one--will continue with working keyboard