Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Actually I posted the last post on sept 7th, not monday sept 3rd--- I wrote the post on monday, switched the computer off, and thanks to blogger's amazing autosave, monday's post was saved and I didn't have to write an entirely new one on friday. (I think it was most likely really late thursday night)

anyway, people seem to be posting quite regularly, and I feel guilty. (that includes neil gaiman and Viva La Vegan) But! seeing as I never keep my promises, I don't think blogging more often will help. case in point: I promised to talk about endings and stuff in the last post, but after rigourous self-censorship, nothing has passed the test! Therefore there most likely won't be anything about things past, or maybe just a very little bit.
I can't believe I was in The Room today (for the very first time), and I just sat there, staring at everything, the floor even. I feel like such a naive idiot. This so clearly proves that I am a groupie, and that I overcomplicate things. Though most of the time talking things out helps (a lot!) and then you find you aren't the only one who frets. Thinking of it now, I think I should have seen the post coming. As in if one just uses his/her logic and powers of elimination, it kind-of-ish fits. I think yearmates expected it more that I did, although I must admit I was surprised (in a good way!) and had a slow reaction time.
Oh I remember now! I. am. so. wormtail. Think about the things we have in common! I swear I have mousey tendencies-- the voice, nose, personality. _watch for my betrayal, people._
Today is a space day. because I am writing in so incoherent sentences, I have no choice but to paragraph every sentence or two, because no two sentences connect. I mean, I don't think I am even thinking about the same thing when I start the sentence and end it. I was primarily inspired to blog today by yingling :D and one must have inspiration to blog! and so I did, and the rest is history! woot. as you can see, today I am merely crapping. The last paragraph was practically filler.
okay I must must fangirl about the producers! watch it on youtube! "Springtime for Hitler in Germany, winter in Poland and France!" "if you've got it, flaunt it" "we can do it" ooh yayness.

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