Thursday, January 17, 2008

I felt like I was being stalked. Like a deer in the headlights, I didn't see it coming.

What I think of the Elections: [Energy and Environmental Issues]

So. The republicans that I've looked up are romney and huckabee. They both want to "reduce energy dependence", i.e., reduce US dependence on foreign oil such as in Iraq. However, there is only a slight mention of alternative technology on Huckabee's part, and none at all on romney's; he even suggests offshore oil rigs as one of the solutions to the energy problem. This is very disappointing, when both candidates are not making a commitment to reduce carbon emissions, especially since the united states has relatively high emission levels, compared to countries with higher population densities. It is absatively [anansi boys!] necessary that the US takes drastic measures to reduce their carbon emissions, or the lives of all the living things on this planet will be endangered. But. this doesn't come as a surprise since those funding republicans are companies in the oil and coal industry, so OF COURSE the candidates cannot suggest for greater steps to be taken against climate change, because funding for their campaign is more important.

On the democratic side, things seem a little more optimistic, but more about them in another post. By the way, I prefer obama to win the primaries, but mum prefers clinton, partly because she is within hilary's range of supporters. (middle-aged women who are for feminism)

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