Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Prince Caspian Review!
[spoilers begin]
I LOVED IT! It was really much darker and grittier this time, complete with angst on the part of Peter (William Moseley) and Prince Caspian (This guy who was in history boys). It's more depressing than the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, obviously but there still runs a "Aslan saves the day" thread. The religious undertones in this one were quite evident, too, when Aslan only appears in front of Lucy but not the others, and when Aslan is represented as this disembodied voice. Also a carving of him is in the stone table chamber, and in the movie, he is represented as this huge foil to the white witch, which peter then is remorse in front of.

Gosh I sound like I haven't read the book yet, but the last time I read it it was when LWW came out, so I can't really remember. But the most significant images that left an impression on my first reading when I was quite young were the hag -werewolf- nikibrik fight, and that turned out to be really good. Though I really wanted to see bacchus and the naiads and dryads dancing in the streets at the end/ defeating the telmarines. I mean in the books there were 2 kinds of trees, right? The old ones, like ents, as featured in the movie and the dryads and nymph-like dancing women. The trees weren't that...alive in the movie than in the book. I think you know what I mean. Okay enough nitpicking.

Lucy's (Georgie Henley) performance was very believeable, in the Aslan scenes especially. I mean when you're a child it's easier for you to imagine and interact with something that isn't actually there, right? So her interactions with Aslan were more beliveable than say Moseley's or Anna Popplewell's (Susan). But they were all great as actors and they were very true to the spirit of the books. The chemistry between them is great, too, when they trust each other and the conversations now are geared more toward an adult audience, because there's some induction involved. I like the way they communicate; like they're not just spiteful to someone without a reason, and there are bits where they hint that peter and susan are getting too old for narnia and they need to be moving on.

Another thing I liked were the epic battle scenes, and grim mood throughout. and the way they illustrated the fauns, centures and minators. It was more lord of the rings, than, say, philosopher's stone, which is good. Something which I really really hate is the way the director tried to sneak in the susan/ CASPIAN pairing oh god that was the worst. I mean it's not evident in the book but if you read especially into it, it might be, but it made susan seem so... old. Oh but she is but the pairing is simply AWFUL because Ben Barnes (caspian) had to put on this really fake telmarine accent. And in the movie he is dark. has long hair. is repulsive. And in some ways he should be more of a monach than someone who fancies susan. [spoilers end]

Friday, May 16, 2008

you must think: finally! I am writing an entry! after the myas. and I am!

On Prom/ Farewell Alma Mater

A while ago nicolelin liang and sihui were talking about prom and things, and it got me thinking. I what IS the whole point of FAM? To get people to show off their dresses, to have dinner, to have a good time with friends while watching other friends vie for ms farewell alma mater (did I get that right?) It sounds kind of boring, to say the least. Okay I think I might go, just to make people happy, but a sit-down dinner will be kind of boring. And the other day we had to vote for the themes? Some people have already brought their dresses anyway; it's not like kids in our school are willing to modify their outfit to suit the theme. No offence to the organising committee of course. I've heard people planning to go in tuxes, which would be really fun. Other than that, when you see photos, everyone just wears more or less the same thing. Honestly, with no relation to the theme.

I think if I ever go, I'm going to make my own dress, with the help of some patterns from the threadbanger forums. And I'm only going to go if there's dancing. We could go to an afterparty afterward! Or do something interesting other that staying in the hotel room watching tv. A movie marathon sounds good. Or walking around the streets at night, although illegal. Or go to the park and run around and play in the playground or just go somewhere to talk.

Farewell Alma Mater is just a formality after all. A celebratory farewell dinner with bells and whistles. A night you're supposed to remember as the last time you're ever in secondary school. A night where people turn up for the sake of it.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

hihello I'm posting now so that I woun't come online tonight; can't fail math tomorrow. oh jeez I think I've unplugged myself too much. As in you know disassociated and taken away. because i've been losing things. And I never ever lose things. Things like my waterbottle and pencils and chemnotes when may seem insignificant, but it's difficult for me to lose things. When I travel, even if I've lost something, I KNOW I've lost it, but this time I just don't know immediately that I've left it somewhere; I only know if I've lost it when I'm looking for the item. And I've kept the water bottle for 4 years already and not lost it. Right that sounds gross. And that time I left my jacket in the melbourne holiday inn -.- I didn't even notice till 24 hours after we left. And it's not like a tiny item, say a pencil. Do you know how big a jacket is??? Urgh I need to plug myself back in, though I don't think I can anymore. I spend... 75% of the time unplugged just so I won't act like a big emotional wuss. It's like a coping mechanism I can't do without. I used to sm, (safely, of course) and it helped for a while but sometimes it just makes it worse):

okay on JC. I don't want to go to RJ. really. This sounds really ungrateful and all, since some people would die to get there. But I don't,. It's like in Never Let Me Go, and when the people "graduate" they go to the cottages and it's where everyone goes and it's practically a given that you go there; it would be just weird if you didn't. Okay, in the year above me, not everyone went to RJ; some went to NJ or HC, but I might not want to go there either. :/ Though I don't think I can get in. Because you have to get >2.8 to get into RJ, I have a really bad feeling I won't even be able to meet that. [sidenote: the lead singer of The Parselmouths hasn't gotten below a 3.5gpa before o: and this made me think, more later.] I mean when you have a reputation of being this psychopathic addict in the staffroom, how much of a testimonial can you get? Although, granted, my results aren't dependent on how I come accross, and I should buck up on math and physics and LIT OF ALL THINGS oh you know, on just about every subject.

Back to The Parselmouths. So I saw her vid yesterday, and I thought: What the freaking hell am I doing with my life?! Bumming around, not bothering, disconnecting, and look at her! she writes fiction, gets a good gpa, did nanowrimo TWICE, is in a touring band... and she's still about 20 or so. And I felt really stupid. I mean I don't think I can even get a job with this attitude, never mind getting a job that I enjoy. What am I? This fat leech that eats and sleeps all day. It would be a miracle if I could get through to uni even: just look at my report book! Although everyone expects you to go to uni, and get not just a degree, but at least a masters. I mean in my school it's taken for granted that you'll go to uni, then be a good public servant or ceo or politician or specialist and be really outstanding... right someone's asking me to study so that's it for now I guess