Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I read the procrastinator's handbook, and it says it is important to know the reason of your procrastination. therefore I will have the following conversation with myself.
me: why do you not study hard?
me2: because I don't like to.
me: why do you not like to?
me2: I find doing my homework an unpleasant task. and overwhelming.
I have to have plans! a timetable! a goal! noble aspirations! right so plans: I plan to uh. I PLAN. to. read 5 zuowen a day, do my tuition teacher's homework every day. read a chapter of phys/bio/chem alternating with math practice, and make a dent in my nanowrimo thing. rewards! I am allowed to have an hour of goingout time for every hour I clock, provided I spend the full hour focusing and not thinking about funny things. (ie christmas! eragon! coraline!)

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