Wednesday, November 01, 2006

this has to be rushed. (again) I hate using the windows 98 computer and my parents still haven't paid the internet bills, so I'm at school!
The Virgin suicides is more of something that you can read once through without missing anything or having to reread it. I started on friday morning and finished by the time school ended, which helped me ease the distress caused by my um results. geeru currently has posession of the book, which is funny because it really isn't her type of thing, but she was desperate for something to read, so. and she has been absent from school for two days running, so I don't think I can lend it to anyone): unless the person offers to return it to the library by the 15th of november. I'll try to get the movie (even if it is rated) through the library- it is available for loan! It has fairly dark and mature themes though, even though it seems very trash, or rather a "provocative bestseller".
I feel like having a tea party! a proper one, the kind that laura would like. With sugar biscuits, cupcakes, scones with apricot preserve, and maybe finger sandwiches. And of course tea! fruit teas or english breakfast or earl grey but not green tea. I have to have paper doilies and pretty teapots and teacups. And we would have a theory discussion! haha or um fanfiction reccs. or snarry! <3 does anyone want to come? XD

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