so. This is my 100th post! I can practically hear the brass trumpets. In commemoration of this monumental event, I will put up an extra long ramble for you to mull over.
I have to say it, and on here so I will remember and I won't lose it or anything.
I messed up a lot. Especially as welfare when at the beginning and I wasn't sure and things. This is going to be some specific post and I have a nagging feeling that you won't get the sarcasm, when used, at (in)oppurtune moments. A few hours ago, I had lots and lots and lots of things to say, so much so that I couldn't focus on anything, and now I don't know what to say (let alone where to start) so I will blogsurf for a bit and wait for it to come.
I think I should start with what I think of it overall. I think. that. [it isn't coming!] that we could have done better. (I always think that-_-") Been generally more self-motivated, louder, more optimistic. BUT how this happens I'm not quite sure. I suppose motivation starts primarily with a reason, a goal, and probably a plan. We have the goals and plans in the proposal on paper, but I don't think we have it in us, i.e. actually believe that camp is to initiate sec ones, make sec twos leaders, and so we must provide a suitable environment for them to develop/learn as much as they can. And therefore we should___. But sometimes having an argement that is, to some extent, too long-term, may not be effective because I use my 'work for greenpeace' argument to get myself to do my homework and it very obviously does not work.
At the same time, I also feel that having a certain sense of unworthiness is necessary (this sounds SM-ish) to keep one in check and not abuse one's power and authority. Then again, if the sense of unworthiness is outwardly shown, it creates a lack of trust for the person in authority and consequently a decreased willingness to listen. (I am thinking of the Hegemon as I write this, although it is a very far stretch.)
I was thinking, during camp, to do a sociological study of the roles of people in our camp, how they interact, who takes power and human nature or characteristics. (sociological is used to make myself sound like I know what I'm talking about, but I don't, so.) For example, in our year, group A always does ____, with group B not that into it. This occurs in every year, but there seems to be a maximum number of people in group A, and so in our year, the ratio of groups A:B is less than with other smaller years. This results in a general lack of effectiveness of the entire year, even though there is the requirem number, or even more, people into it. Of course these observations and inferences are not entirely reliable, considering my background (or lack thereof) of sociology, and that the theory is disproven as there are people who are categorised between groups A and B, and by that fact that I love, and am very comfortable being, a groupie.
This isn't as long a post as I wanted to write, but I think I should take the stupid theories thing slowly and not shock readers.
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