This is fustrating. Last night, right after phantom, I wrote a review and stupid blogger has deleted it): this is the first time it has happened to me, however, and the last few times the 'recover post' button has worked very well. Actually if I had a nice long review I should have been sensible and saved it as a word document.
Phantom was really really fun XD I saw cat and wencen, and they must have enjoyed it as much as I did. I sat right up in the first row and so I got to see everything close up, even the actors' expressions and acting and everything. Brad Little was brilliant as Eric/ Phantom; I liked his singing and this is the first time that I couldn't wait for him to get onstage. Rebecca Pitcher was, so far, the best Christine I've seen, I LOVED 'point of no return' and she's a lot better singer than emmy rossum, though emmy is a better actor. There was a live orchestra and they were great too- the conductor did a magnificent job, considering I sat right next to first violin.
The only downside was that I couldn't see the dancers' footwork because the stage was slightly elevated despite having watched the ballet all though the first "angel of music", but obviously in this case I shouldn't have such high expectations because the focus is on the musical, not the ballet. Not many people gave standing ovations, though, when they were so clearly due. X) I think because it's the first night, the tickets are usually given to the sponsor companies and the ticketholders get the ticket for free. Therefore the people are not big big fans and only go because they don't have to pay for it. I think that after this time, though, they will get to appreciate phantom more and maybe go for similar performances.
I'm at school now, waiting for yearmates to get ready for talentime. I really shouldn't be using the computer so this is goodbye.
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