is a great site to visit! It is an MIT open courseware network, which means that all of the materials in the course are uploaded onto the website. Which is really really cool because then I get to read all about stuff like anthropology and whatnot. And sometimes they have videos of the lectures, and the lecturers do neat class experiments. The lectures are in fairly understandable language, which also means I can do class research here, or read when I don't understand things. Have I mentioned that it's free? And you don't have to register or anything. Though obviously you don't have course credits, or access to MIT faculty. But what the heck, it's great! I would like to go somewhere like MIT when I go to collage, but they say it's pretty competitive. I mean I would like to be able to hope that I can get into MIT for as long as possible, since I currently don't exactly have stellar time management/discipline skills, you have to have all these other extra-curricular points to get in, and of course they pick candidates from all over the world, so yeah, chances are slim. I would like to have my bubble intact for as long as possible, thanks.
I just ate something vegan suitable, and I am considering becoming a vegan- that means no consumption of animal products at all. For example, no butter or dairy, and sometimes no wheat/ gluten. (why?) After reading about dan piraro's veganism at, he has proved that humans are not anatomically made to eat meat. Animals raised on farms are ill-treated and abused, and in the process of obtaining products like fur, animals are inhumanely given a slow and painful death. Being dumb and innocent, I wrote something about chickens living in cramped coops should be made to run free. In today's enviroment, to do that would make your company suffer serious losses. Therefore the solution is to become a vegan. However, there are a few tiny problems:
1. Being vegan means no Ben and Jerry's. I am selfish enough to put myself above poor cows being milked dry. BUT Ben and Jerry's is a enviromentally sound company, and they might use milk from cows living in green pastures. So Ben and Jerry's might be allowed in my diet, though the vegan mom/ dan piraro doesn't eat ice-cream.
2. Being vegan also means no Carls Jr. Or poached fish, meepok, ipohhorfun, pizzas, or generally any kind of food that I indulge in and makes me happy.
Maybe I could be a part-time vegan on weekdays. But its difficult to go vegan in our school canteen): there isn't exactly much choice. And I dont feel like packing lunchboxes, but the easiest vegan thing to do is a peanut butter sandwich. I dont' feel like going all vegan-mumsy and doing cold soba with edamame at 6am in the morning. A part-time vegan sounds good. Maybe I could live on vegan snack bars. Or Odwalla smoothies!
Mugglecast's second live podcast is on August 2, in New York City! And OotP is said to be released on July 13th, 2007 (7/7/07 would be a nicer date.)
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
You've gotta look near and far
You've gotta look here and there
You've gotta look everywhere
To find three presents for the sphinx.
-The Backyardigans
The backyardigans is a cool show on nickjr! I watch nickjr! The backyardigans airs weekdays at 1.30pm on Nickelodeon. Its a musical-type show where these kids have an adventure in their backyard. And the dancing is choreographed to dancers, and then shown to animators as a reference=great dancing. and the thing is, it looks great even on short, fat creatures with stumpy legs. And the kids who voice the charaters have very good voices. So watch the backyardigans on cable, even if its the only preschool show that you'll watch!
I feel stupid. but a little better after reading charisse's 'feel happy and positive' thing. She sounds a lot like motivational speakers. I am a diplomatic person. And therefore will not take sides in the ___ saga. And i am not worth commenting on it anyway, since I have little social experience, and socially inept. But I hope I won't be swayed by popular opinion, i.e. "everyone has done it/has one, why dont you?" Lots of teen advice websites, advocate 'not everyone has done it; say no' etcetc and i hope that works for me because sometimes i have problems staying true to myself. Pardon the teen queen cliche, but I 'm worried about that being a factor in the decisions I make. What if the choice I make isn't right for me? But because of that, I end up afraid to make any choices and let things happen in its way, and then I dont get what i would like because someone else has made the choice for me. -_-" ^-^ ._. @-@ >_> [/random] anime smilies are cool. By the way, I think the "say 'no' to drugs" campaign doesn't work because the cnb knows nothing about teen psychology/doesn't bother to get a teen counsellor about how difficult it is to say 'no' in today's society. At least the teen pregnancy people in the states know about this.
I have procrastination issues. I can't do my homework. at all. I shouldn't be saying that I can't, because then I really can't. I should be saying "go do your homework now, you insignificant flea. stop playing kol and go do your pt/anthology/everything else that you haven't done. go do your homework NOW." and i do that in my head, which doesnt really help much because of the fact that i have a weak concience[sp?]. My sister says that she does homework so that she can do whatever she wants later. Which doesn't really work for me because I think I will never finish my homework completely because there will be always more to do. And so there won't be a 'later'. I mean how can you stick doing homework when there's the computer on? I have to do reasearch on the computer, which makes it worse. I cant do homework on the computer, because there's always kol and whatnot with their ever so seductive wiles. They say breaking down a large task into smaller tasks helps. So I break my anthology into 5 different poems. I have problems even finding one that i like, and is appropriate.
Which leads me to the fact that I am indecisive. I worry about the choice that i will make, and if that is the wrong choice. "A poem!" you might say. All this worrying about choosing a poem. Crystal has tremendous self-disciplinary skills. She is doing her FPS, and has probably finished all the rest of her homework. I feel sick, feeble, and dumb in comparison. I have not much time to finish my homework, and put the deadline in my head in an attempt to get myself going, but no can do. I have a limited vocabulary to express myself. ohmygoodness this makes me think of german, and chinese. Don't get me started. Though chinese has been easier with many (you don't want to know how often) tuition sessions. I mean tuition is like the only time in the whole day that i do any work. I think I need yelling. Could someone yell at me please? I mean I could ask my mum to do that and start her off very well by showing her my physics paper, though she has yelled at me already today for leaving things at the very last minute. Help, anyone?
You must think I'm crazy, airing my weaknesses and all that jazz for all to see, like my smelly sweaty bootsocks. I used to think that telling everyone about every single inch of yourself made you vunerable to judgement, especially if you put your rants on a blog on which everyone in the whole wide world can see, especially people like ma'ams and juniors, or your teachers, your parents, your sister(so that she can rat on you to your mum) or anyone else that is capable of subjecting you to social torture. But sometimes sharing your problems with other people might get them solved faster, and it makes you feel a little better by writing it all down and generally identifying the problem.
Ben (of mugglecast) is against blogging, and Brookers (of youtube) is against v-logging because they think writing your diary for all the world to see is boring (right, a lot of paraphasing there, but you get the general idea.) but telling everyone what you have for lunch today isn't exactly interesting either. So I try to make my content less about myself, and more about what i think of things, like movies or books (Stardust was great!) to not get people bored of my life. I write for an audience and maybe sometimes for myself->< make that most of the time. But i am aware of the people who are reading this, though more often than not, I tend to bore the pants off people with my language, and fewmets, that i put here. Most of my friends' blogs tend to be one-paragraph, 'I hate you' ones or 'my day rocked' ones which is perfectly fine, but not very interesting.
I sincerely hope that this post doesn't bore the pants off you, and will not put you off the blog forever. Please stay.
ps: I have been peeing a lot because of syf. lmao. see what x says about our drill standards.
You've gotta look near and far
You've gotta look here and there
You've gotta look everywhere
To find three presents for the sphinx.
-The Backyardigans
The backyardigans is a cool show on nickjr! I watch nickjr! The backyardigans airs weekdays at 1.30pm on Nickelodeon. Its a musical-type show where these kids have an adventure in their backyard. And the dancing is choreographed to dancers, and then shown to animators as a reference=great dancing. and the thing is, it looks great even on short, fat creatures with stumpy legs. And the kids who voice the charaters have very good voices. So watch the backyardigans on cable, even if its the only preschool show that you'll watch!
I feel stupid. but a little better after reading charisse's 'feel happy and positive' thing. She sounds a lot like motivational speakers. I am a diplomatic person. And therefore will not take sides in the ___ saga. And i am not worth commenting on it anyway, since I have little social experience, and socially inept. But I hope I won't be swayed by popular opinion, i.e. "everyone has done it/has one, why dont you?" Lots of teen advice websites, advocate 'not everyone has done it; say no' etcetc and i hope that works for me because sometimes i have problems staying true to myself. Pardon the teen queen cliche, but I 'm worried about that being a factor in the decisions I make. What if the choice I make isn't right for me? But because of that, I end up afraid to make any choices and let things happen in its way, and then I dont get what i would like because someone else has made the choice for me. -_-" ^-^ ._. @-@ >_> [/random] anime smilies are cool. By the way, I think the "say 'no' to drugs" campaign doesn't work because the cnb knows nothing about teen psychology/doesn't bother to get a teen counsellor about how difficult it is to say 'no' in today's society. At least the teen pregnancy people in the states know about this.
I have procrastination issues. I can't do my homework. at all. I shouldn't be saying that I can't, because then I really can't. I should be saying "go do your homework now, you insignificant flea. stop playing kol and go do your pt/anthology/everything else that you haven't done. go do your homework NOW." and i do that in my head, which doesnt really help much because of the fact that i have a weak concience[sp?]. My sister says that she does homework so that she can do whatever she wants later. Which doesn't really work for me because I think I will never finish my homework completely because there will be always more to do. And so there won't be a 'later'. I mean how can you stick doing homework when there's the computer on? I have to do reasearch on the computer, which makes it worse. I cant do homework on the computer, because there's always kol and whatnot with their ever so seductive wiles. They say breaking down a large task into smaller tasks helps. So I break my anthology into 5 different poems. I have problems even finding one that i like, and is appropriate.
Which leads me to the fact that I am indecisive. I worry about the choice that i will make, and if that is the wrong choice. "A poem!" you might say. All this worrying about choosing a poem. Crystal has tremendous self-disciplinary skills. She is doing her FPS, and has probably finished all the rest of her homework. I feel sick, feeble, and dumb in comparison. I have not much time to finish my homework, and put the deadline in my head in an attempt to get myself going, but no can do. I have a limited vocabulary to express myself. ohmygoodness this makes me think of german, and chinese. Don't get me started. Though chinese has been easier with many (you don't want to know how often) tuition sessions. I mean tuition is like the only time in the whole day that i do any work. I think I need yelling. Could someone yell at me please? I mean I could ask my mum to do that and start her off very well by showing her my physics paper, though she has yelled at me already today for leaving things at the very last minute. Help, anyone?
You must think I'm crazy, airing my weaknesses and all that jazz for all to see, like my smelly sweaty bootsocks. I used to think that telling everyone about every single inch of yourself made you vunerable to judgement, especially if you put your rants on a blog on which everyone in the whole wide world can see, especially people like ma'ams and juniors, or your teachers, your parents, your sister(so that she can rat on you to your mum) or anyone else that is capable of subjecting you to social torture. But sometimes sharing your problems with other people might get them solved faster, and it makes you feel a little better by writing it all down and generally identifying the problem.
Ben (of mugglecast) is against blogging, and Brookers (of youtube) is against v-logging because they think writing your diary for all the world to see is boring (right, a lot of paraphasing there, but you get the general idea.) but telling everyone what you have for lunch today isn't exactly interesting either. So I try to make my content less about myself, and more about what i think of things, like movies or books (Stardust was great!) to not get people bored of my life. I write for an audience and maybe sometimes for myself->< make that most of the time. But i am aware of the people who are reading this, though more often than not, I tend to bore the pants off people with my language, and fewmets, that i put here. Most of my friends' blogs tend to be one-paragraph, 'I hate you' ones or 'my day rocked' ones which is perfectly fine, but not very interesting.
I sincerely hope that this post doesn't bore the pants off you, and will not put you off the blog forever. Please stay.
ps: I have been peeing a lot because of syf. lmao. see what x says about our drill standards.
Monday, June 19, 2006
its late as usual, and im sitting here, at 1.43 am typing at the keyboard. I should get my homework done. and my boots polished. (for tuesday) and do all the things that I was supposed to do but forgot. been blubbering like an idiot, or being on the verge of doing so for a little of the weekend and therefore it wasn't really a pleasant one. my punctuation skills have been conveniently lost during the space of two blogposts and i can't be bothered to put them back. I feel like an emofreak. i am an emofreak. but not the 'go away I feel like a loser' type, but the 'blubber sob sniff no I'm fine' type. which generally makes people go away again, but anyway. I mean i don't mind people talking to me. so don't take this as a bright red warning sign, or anything.
I hate my writing. I tried copying someone else's style, but it didn't really come out right. like the first one had an effect, but the second one didn't. maybe i should publicise more and let people R&R and see how they feel. I can't publish on fictionpress or anything, because i dont like writing fiction.
I hate my writing. I tried copying someone else's style, but it didn't really come out right. like the first one had an effect, but the second one didn't. maybe i should publicise more and let people R&R and see how they feel. I can't publish on fictionpress or anything, because i dont like writing fiction.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I dont know how to put the video in>< but its of a guy on 'so you think you can dance' - the second season! ROTFLMAO. 3mins plus but worth the wait. I am going to learn how to dance like him. woot.
I dont know how to put the video in>< but its of a guy on 'so you think you can dance' - the second season! ROTFLMAO. 3mins plus but worth the wait. I am going to learn how to dance like him. woot.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I feel intimidated by Charisse's long posts. Therefore today I will be giving you, the reader, a 500-word entry.
I painted my nail today. My thumbnail to be exact. With my sister's purple glitter-comes-with-Sabrina's Secrets polish. She is at the glorious age of 10, one of the pre-teens mattel targets. Since it came with a magazine, it was bound to be of cheap, of low quality and everything else besides. But being a polish n00b, I thought all types of nail polish are equal, and I learned later on that some are more equal than others. So i unscrewed the bottle, and got the excess polish of the brush, as you're supposed to, and proceeded to paint a steady stroke down the middle of my nail. The first stroke was all right, but subsequent strokes made the polish clump and spread unevenly. By this time, stray bits of glitter/nail polish had got on my cuticle and the skin surrounding the nail. The nail polish looked thin and translucent, and I decided to wait and do another coat. The second coat was no better than the first, with it drying in random places and also because my stingy self refused to reload my brush with somemore. I patiently waited for it to dry and tried to scrape off some of the polish from my skin.
Back to the low-quality part. I know this is lousy nail polish because of the way it clumped and the way it gave my nail a very rough texture afterwards. (Or was it the glitter?) Compared to other painted nails i've seen, my thumbnail looked horrible, even worse than when 5-year-olds paint their nails pink and it comes off all chipped - that's only a couple days after ther nail has been painted. Or maybe the polish has been stored for too long without being used and it decided to clump by itself. And um I have been apprehensive about using nail polish because people said it was noxious (moxious!) and nail polish was like car paint.
And cheap bottles of nail polish are made by cheap companies who have no regard whatsoever about the health of the consumer; only the number of bottles they sell and put cheap, possibly life threatening toxic substances in the nail polish. Cheep! But I can't afford nail polish made by companies who actually take the lives of their consumers into consideration, eg revlon or somthing like that.
Cheap companies should think of it this way: if your customers use your nail polish and they die, there won't be anyone to buy your products anymore! However, since cheap nail-polish consumers aren't dropping dead everywhere, I have come up with the perfect biological analogy! Take, for example, the influenza virus. It sucks the life energy out of people- ok fine, uses their vampire- like qualities of taking over the host cell and its nucleus and making it produce many other baby viruses, which will in turn, infect other people. But if they kill the host organism too fast, it looses the ability to infect others and dead cells cannot make other baby virus-things, and therefore the whole virus species dies. I know 'species' is the wrong word, but you get the gist, don't you? And like viruses, who dont have to feed, cheap companies are maniacally obsessive about making more bottles of nail polish, but the poison in the polish poisons the consumer bit by bit, and doesn't kill them straightaway. They dont mind if their consumers die; therefore they are not human and viruses aren't technically living organisms.
I think cheap companies are run by "the man" anyway, and he isn't even remotely a human being. As a disclaimer to all, I speak about cheap companies in general, and not specifically about the company who made sabrina's secrets nail polish, so please dont sue me. Though it would be awfully exciting if it ever will happen, and i would gain press publicity! Which might probably lead to a published book! (yeah, right) or at least more tags on my tagboard.
yay! Word says i have 680 words in this entry! Though it might be thrown off by the grammar errors and odd hyphenated[?] words, it has to be at least 500. ohoh this is funny.
What do elephants use as tampons?
Why do elephants have trunks?
Because sheep don't have strings.
I painted my nail today. My thumbnail to be exact. With my sister's purple glitter-comes-with-Sabrina's Secrets polish. She is at the glorious age of 10, one of the pre-teens mattel targets. Since it came with a magazine, it was bound to be of cheap, of low quality and everything else besides. But being a polish n00b, I thought all types of nail polish are equal, and I learned later on that some are more equal than others. So i unscrewed the bottle, and got the excess polish of the brush, as you're supposed to, and proceeded to paint a steady stroke down the middle of my nail. The first stroke was all right, but subsequent strokes made the polish clump and spread unevenly. By this time, stray bits of glitter/nail polish had got on my cuticle and the skin surrounding the nail. The nail polish looked thin and translucent, and I decided to wait and do another coat. The second coat was no better than the first, with it drying in random places and also because my stingy self refused to reload my brush with somemore. I patiently waited for it to dry and tried to scrape off some of the polish from my skin.
Back to the low-quality part. I know this is lousy nail polish because of the way it clumped and the way it gave my nail a very rough texture afterwards. (Or was it the glitter?) Compared to other painted nails i've seen, my thumbnail looked horrible, even worse than when 5-year-olds paint their nails pink and it comes off all chipped - that's only a couple days after ther nail has been painted. Or maybe the polish has been stored for too long without being used and it decided to clump by itself. And um I have been apprehensive about using nail polish because people said it was noxious (moxious!) and nail polish was like car paint.
And cheap bottles of nail polish are made by cheap companies who have no regard whatsoever about the health of the consumer; only the number of bottles they sell and put cheap, possibly life threatening toxic substances in the nail polish. Cheep! But I can't afford nail polish made by companies who actually take the lives of their consumers into consideration, eg revlon or somthing like that.
Cheap companies should think of it this way: if your customers use your nail polish and they die, there won't be anyone to buy your products anymore! However, since cheap nail-polish consumers aren't dropping dead everywhere, I have come up with the perfect biological analogy! Take, for example, the influenza virus. It sucks the life energy out of people- ok fine, uses their vampire- like qualities of taking over the host cell and its nucleus and making it produce many other baby viruses, which will in turn, infect other people. But if they kill the host organism too fast, it looses the ability to infect others and dead cells cannot make other baby virus-things, and therefore the whole virus species dies. I know 'species' is the wrong word, but you get the gist, don't you? And like viruses, who dont have to feed, cheap companies are maniacally obsessive about making more bottles of nail polish, but the poison in the polish poisons the consumer bit by bit, and doesn't kill them straightaway. They dont mind if their consumers die; therefore they are not human and viruses aren't technically living organisms.
I think cheap companies are run by "the man" anyway, and he isn't even remotely a human being. As a disclaimer to all, I speak about cheap companies in general, and not specifically about the company who made sabrina's secrets nail polish, so please dont sue me. Though it would be awfully exciting if it ever will happen, and i would gain press publicity! Which might probably lead to a published book! (yeah, right) or at least more tags on my tagboard.
yay! Word says i have 680 words in this entry! Though it might be thrown off by the grammar errors and odd hyphenated[?] words, it has to be at least 500. ohoh this is funny.
What do elephants use as tampons?
Why do elephants have trunks?
Because sheep don't have strings.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
I am taking a quiz at quizfarm- on what you would like to major in. So i answered all the lovely questions, and here comes a 'tiebreaker'.
1. Learning about the environment, organisms, animals, genes, atoms, chemicals or the Earth sounds fun.
2. I'd love treating people with health problems and taking care of them while they are sick/injured.
you have to choose either one! ohmygoodness. you know, a year or two ago I would have picked #1. ahh but because of akaibatsu i have a different opinion! I really love both. I would like to be a researcher and then participate in volunteer work at the side. So that would mean I should pick #1. well actually the results will come out in order of percentage so that means whatever major is #1 will come out really close to #2.
1. Learning about the environment, organisms, animals, genes, atoms, chemicals or the Earth sounds fun.
2. I'd love treating people with health problems and taking care of them while they are sick/injured.
you have to choose either one! ohmygoodness. you know, a year or two ago I would have picked #1. ahh but because of akaibatsu i have a different opinion! I really love both. I would like to be a researcher and then participate in volunteer work at the side. So that would mean I should pick #1. well actually the results will come out in order of percentage so that means whatever major is #1 will come out really close to #2.
You scored as Biology/Chemistry/Geology. Related majors that match your highest scored category: Animal Sciences, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Dietetics, Ecology, Environmental Science, Food Sciences, Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, Genetics, Geography, Geology, Marine Biology, Microbiology, Neurobiology, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Pre-Med, Psychology, Zoology. Consider all majors in your OTHER high scoring categories. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it. Consider adding a minor or double majoring. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
whahaha blogger had a wonked connection. anyway, Spring is when life takes the reins from the jolly old man and lets the deer run free among our souls and hearts and fills the empty glasses of eggnog with our wildest dreams and fantasies Only Summer will know if they ever will be real. |
Monday, June 05, 2006
Spent yesterday kol-ing; I'm at level 9 but I still have all these quests to finish! and i don't even know how to do the strange leaflet or the orc chasm quests, I suffer from a lack of muscle and moxie so i cant adventure in the goatlet and keep losing hp but I can adventure at the hippy camp! herbs and tofu are l33t. and im a pastamancer so that means pasta! yayness. and stir-fry. I think I would like to ascend as a seal-clubber- muscle is a very useful attribute to have. As for the quests, I know you can check kol wiki or colfront, but that just spoils everything- i go to the forums instead, and only to kol wiki when I'm really really desperate.
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.
What does your handwriting say about YOU?
I went to the science centre website because the holidays were getting boring and since the last time i went, they were renovating the place, so I wanted to see what it looks like now! and they have this scientific discussion thing- it sounds like mugglecast where you just bounce ideas off other people and well just talk a lot. and they happen to have a discussion on friday! on um well here's the introduction.
9 June 2006 Prof John R "Jack" Horner Museum of the Rockies, Montana State U*** Can We Make a Dinosaur, and if so, How Would We Do It? : *** One of the America's best-known paleontologists, Jack discovered his first dinosaur fossil when he was 8 years old. He has made some of the most important, recent dinosaur discoveries, theorised and written several books about them. He served as a technical advisor for such movies as "Jurassic Park - The Lost World" and "Jurassic Park III". While suffering from undiagnosed dyslexia, Jack said that his brain worked best when it could "hunt, poke and dig around" through science. It was through digging around that Jack made his first great discovery. Most recently, Jack discovered the largest T. rex to date at 10-13 tonnes, with 5 other T. rex fossils in the Hell Creek area in Montana. Jack had suggested that this ?King of Dinosaurs? was really more of a scavenger than a predator.
I think i am cheating posting quizzes and text from other sources and all. anyways, it would be a nice thing to go to- to listen to since i dont think i could contribute very much ><" the only interesting discussions I have engaged in lately are things like harry/draco crabbe/goyle pairings, and its either that or fetishes. so yeah, this will be a very interesting change. but the thing is, attendance is by invitation only, which means I have to write in and request for one. it is not stated when the discussion is held but it says 'in the cool of the Singapore evening' so it would probably be at night. the science centre is far for me and i dont think mum would enjoy fetching me there and back, and going back by myself is out because my parents are of the protective kind. maybe i'll email and ask for a time and place, and see if the folks agree.
Charisse likes my blog! to be more specific, the last entry. but those are generally very rare entries created under pressure, in this case, the fustration of being bored. today there is a general decrease in pressure, because tomorrow i have math remmedial and i havent done the practice miss lim gave when school ended, and then after that is chinese tuition. and i havent done my teacher's homework either (to memorise zuowen) Therefore i cant say im bored, but i am under pressure of a different kind. I am not complaining about the nature of the homework, or the volume, as math and chinese are two subjects that I did terribly in, i.e. failed. but there is no compulsion to do the homework, just like i had no compulsion to blog for the past week.
I feel very stupid and gutless and tired right now. and not very well read. feel like ponning math remmedial>< its a quarter to 3 (am!) but i just had a very interesting discussion with charisse- i think she has written something about __. whatever i write at this hour is like the trash i came up with yesterday. and i really should be sleeping now otherwise math remmedial tomorrow will not be very pleasant.
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.
What does your handwriting say about YOU?
I went to the science centre website because the holidays were getting boring and since the last time i went, they were renovating the place, so I wanted to see what it looks like now! and they have this scientific discussion thing- it sounds like mugglecast where you just bounce ideas off other people and well just talk a lot. and they happen to have a discussion on friday! on um well here's the introduction.
9 June 2006 Prof John R "Jack" Horner Museum of the Rockies, Montana State U*** Can We Make a Dinosaur, and if so, How Would We Do It? : *** One of the America's best-known paleontologists, Jack discovered his first dinosaur fossil when he was 8 years old. He has made some of the most important, recent dinosaur discoveries, theorised and written several books about them. He served as a technical advisor for such movies as "Jurassic Park - The Lost World" and "Jurassic Park III". While suffering from undiagnosed dyslexia, Jack said that his brain worked best when it could "hunt, poke and dig around" through science. It was through digging around that Jack made his first great discovery. Most recently, Jack discovered the largest T. rex to date at 10-13 tonnes, with 5 other T. rex fossils in the Hell Creek area in Montana. Jack had suggested that this ?King of Dinosaurs? was really more of a scavenger than a predator.
I think i am cheating posting quizzes and text from other sources and all. anyways, it would be a nice thing to go to- to listen to since i dont think i could contribute very much ><" the only interesting discussions I have engaged in lately are things like harry/draco crabbe/goyle pairings, and its either that or fetishes. so yeah, this will be a very interesting change. but the thing is, attendance is by invitation only, which means I have to write in and request for one. it is not stated when the discussion is held but it says 'in the cool of the Singapore evening' so it would probably be at night. the science centre is far for me and i dont think mum would enjoy fetching me there and back, and going back by myself is out because my parents are of the protective kind. maybe i'll email and ask for a time and place, and see if the folks agree.
Charisse likes my blog! to be more specific, the last entry. but those are generally very rare entries created under pressure, in this case, the fustration of being bored. today there is a general decrease in pressure, because tomorrow i have math remmedial and i havent done the practice miss lim gave when school ended, and then after that is chinese tuition. and i havent done my teacher's homework either (to memorise zuowen) Therefore i cant say im bored, but i am under pressure of a different kind. I am not complaining about the nature of the homework, or the volume, as math and chinese are two subjects that I did terribly in, i.e. failed. but there is no compulsion to do the homework, just like i had no compulsion to blog for the past week.
I feel very stupid and gutless and tired right now. and not very well read. feel like ponning math remmedial>< its a quarter to 3 (am!) but i just had a very interesting discussion with charisse- i think she has written something about __. whatever i write at this hour is like the trash i came up with yesterday. and i really should be sleeping now otherwise math remmedial tomorrow will not be very pleasant.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
I will attempt to make a long entry today. siling said today that i was very injury-prone; I am actually. I have a peeled scab on my right elbow that is a lovely pinkish colour, an equally pinkish patch of skin on my left knee, and a cut on my right hand, with a winnie-the-pooh band-aid on it. The band-aid is smaller and much less boring than the normal skin-colour ones, and I used a winnie-the-pooh band-aid to make my cut seem more interesting and because this band-aid is smooth and gel-y and because my holidays have been very boring and this was a futile attempt to make it seem like I have actually got a life. The band-aid i have on my right hand has the words 'disney' in disney font; Piglet holding a rake with a couple of fall leaves in it and a blue-green background. I got the cut while I was fumbling along in the dark while trying to creep back into the room i share with my sister in the middle of the night. and the two abrasions on my elbow and knee I got from tripping while getting off a bus last friday when i went to borders and geeru went " all limbs intact?"
I have been a bad girl and I have been picking at my scabs. [/random] "I'm a good girl, I am" - Eliza Doolittle, My Fair Lady [random] I pick pointless quotes. But what else can you do when it is itching like crazy and the scabs look ready to fall off themselves? siling syays I am a naughty girl for picking my scabs. but my last bit of scab got scratched off in the car. There was an almighty tearing sound as it happened, and owch. But all that was under it was a bit of pinkish skin just like the skin around it. A bull's eye, if you will. A very pink 'eye' in the middle, light pink, almost whitish skin surrounding it, and brown around the edges. rated nc16 for graphic-ness. well actually it wasn't that bad; I have seen worse.
as for the cut on my hand, a scab simply refuses to form while whitish plasma oozes out with no absolute effect, so I decided to plonk a plaster on it, in an attempt to protect it from infection. I wish i could replicate the spell that snape uses in hbp to heal draco's sectus sempra wounds in a flash. The first band-aid i put was a normal squarish one with a tiny pice of white gauze in the middle and transparent sticky stuff surrounding it. It was touted as being waterproof and allowing for respiration, so why not? unfortunately it almost fell off during drill today, what with the sweat and heat and all. Despite my futile attempts to get it to stick by prodding it, It was hanging off by one edge by the end of training and i decided to end its miserable life by tearing it right off. Which was a bad decision as it needed all it had to keep sweat and other debris from getting into it.
This is a rubbishy and not very interesting entry. Please forgive me for these fewmets but i need an outlet for my um something that is not exactly fustration but nevermind.
P.S. Watch high school musical! even though it isnt showing in theaters. it has great dancing, singing and all that. finally, a musical that is appealing and accessible (not if they dont show it in singapore) to young people!!
I have been a bad girl and I have been picking at my scabs. [/random] "I'm a good girl, I am" - Eliza Doolittle, My Fair Lady [random] I pick pointless quotes. But what else can you do when it is itching like crazy and the scabs look ready to fall off themselves? siling syays I am a naughty girl for picking my scabs. but my last bit of scab got scratched off in the car. There was an almighty tearing sound as it happened, and owch. But all that was under it was a bit of pinkish skin just like the skin around it. A bull's eye, if you will. A very pink 'eye' in the middle, light pink, almost whitish skin surrounding it, and brown around the edges. rated nc16 for graphic-ness. well actually it wasn't that bad; I have seen worse.
as for the cut on my hand, a scab simply refuses to form while whitish plasma oozes out with no absolute effect, so I decided to plonk a plaster on it, in an attempt to protect it from infection. I wish i could replicate the spell that snape uses in hbp to heal draco's sectus sempra wounds in a flash. The first band-aid i put was a normal squarish one with a tiny pice of white gauze in the middle and transparent sticky stuff surrounding it. It was touted as being waterproof and allowing for respiration, so why not? unfortunately it almost fell off during drill today, what with the sweat and heat and all. Despite my futile attempts to get it to stick by prodding it, It was hanging off by one edge by the end of training and i decided to end its miserable life by tearing it right off. Which was a bad decision as it needed all it had to keep sweat and other debris from getting into it.
This is a rubbishy and not very interesting entry. Please forgive me for these fewmets but i need an outlet for my um something that is not exactly fustration but nevermind.
P.S. Watch high school musical! even though it isnt showing in theaters. it has great dancing, singing and all that. finally, a musical that is appealing and accessible (not if they dont show it in singapore) to young people!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
I apologise for my absence over the past few days. I have watched 3 dvds since the start of the holidays and I will give my reviews!
Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride
This macabre fantasy was almost what I expected after watching some of it during comp studs- I say 'almost' because after the beginning, it wasn't quite the eloquent tale that I had in mind. There wasn't much characterisation and a lot of plot development; created, of course, with today's viewers in mind. My dad thought that it was a purely gothic movie, possibly c-grade, but after watching it, he changed his mind so I give it plus points for that. I liked the musical numbers- especially the beginning and the part when victor first enters the land of death. Oh and the dvd has this thing where the take out the vocal bit, and then I put on the subtitles, and it becomes karaoke-ish! And it was fun to sing along to. The special features were a refreshing change from the sparse low-budget mirrormask , especially when they showed how much work was put into the puppet and costume-making. Ohoh and the frame-by-frame manual animation was cool too. The dvd also had a feature where you could see the actors voicing out the roles, and it is a split screen with the animation on one side and the actors on another.
I'm going for syf tomorrow and tomorrow the singapore idol's 1st Group of 7 Gals of the Top 28 will be at j8 at 4! not that they're that, well appealing (is that the right word?) yet, but it would be nice to get to meet some of them. The holidays are getting very boring and dvds don't seem to do the trick. Have lots of homework to do (still) but miss procrastinator is getting very insistent at times :( but I've been practising li3 jie3 wen4 da2 so yeah. I should be doing my filing and whatnot- read through the mark haddon book for ideas for anthology and due to lack of aptitude, have not been able to analyse or even understand most of the poems :( maybe I need crystal's help. or even felicia clara tan's. *sigh*
Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride
This macabre fantasy was almost what I expected after watching some of it during comp studs- I say 'almost' because after the beginning, it wasn't quite the eloquent tale that I had in mind. There wasn't much characterisation and a lot of plot development; created, of course, with today's viewers in mind. My dad thought that it was a purely gothic movie, possibly c-grade, but after watching it, he changed his mind so I give it plus points for that. I liked the musical numbers- especially the beginning and the part when victor first enters the land of death. Oh and the dvd has this thing where the take out the vocal bit, and then I put on the subtitles, and it becomes karaoke-ish! And it was fun to sing along to. The special features were a refreshing change from the sparse low-budget mirrormask , especially when they showed how much work was put into the puppet and costume-making. Ohoh and the frame-by-frame manual animation was cool too. The dvd also had a feature where you could see the actors voicing out the roles, and it is a split screen with the animation on one side and the actors on another.
I'm going for syf tomorrow and tomorrow the singapore idol's 1st Group of 7 Gals of the Top 28 will be at j8 at 4! not that they're that, well appealing (is that the right word?) yet, but it would be nice to get to meet some of them. The holidays are getting very boring and dvds don't seem to do the trick. Have lots of homework to do (still) but miss procrastinator is getting very insistent at times :( but I've been practising li3 jie3 wen4 da2 so yeah. I should be doing my filing and whatnot- read through the mark haddon book for ideas for anthology and due to lack of aptitude, have not been able to analyse or even understand most of the poems :( maybe I need crystal's help. or even felicia clara tan's. *sigh*
I apologise for my absence over the past few days. I have watched 3 dvds since the start of the holidays and I will give my reviews!
Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride
This macabre fantasy was almost what I expected after watching some of it during comp studs- I say 'almost' because after the beginning, it wasn't quite the eloquent tale that I had in mind. There wasn't much characterisation and a lot of plot development; created, of course, with today's viewers in mind. My dad thought that it was a purely gothic movie, possibly c-grade, but after watching it, he changed his mind so I give it plus points for that. I liked the musical numbers- especially the beginning and the part when victor first enters the land of death. Oh and the dvd has this thing where the take out the vocal bit, and then I put on the subtitles, and it becomes karaoke-ish! And it was fun to sing along to. The special features were a refreshing change from the sparse low-budget mirrormask , especially when they showed how much work was put into the puppet and costume-making. Ohoh and the frame-by-frame manual animation was cool too. The dvd also had a feature where you could see the actors voicing out the roles, and it is a split screen with the animation on one side and the actors on another.
I'm going for syf tomorrow and tomorrow the singapore idol's 1st Group of 7 Gals of the Top 28 will be at j8 at 4! not that they're that, well appealing (is that the right word?) yet, but it would be nice to get to meet some of them. The holidays are getting very boring and dvds don't seem to do the trick. Have lots of homework to do (still) but miss procrastinator is getting very insistent at times :( but I've been practising li3 jie3 wen4 da2 so yeah. I should be doing my filing and whatnot- read through the mark haddon book for ideas for anthology and due to lack of aptitude, have not been able to analyse or even understand most of the poems :( maybe I need crystal's help. or even felicia clara tan's. *sigh*
Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride
This macabre fantasy was almost what I expected after watching some of it during comp studs- I say 'almost' because after the beginning, it wasn't quite the eloquent tale that I had in mind. There wasn't much characterisation and a lot of plot development; created, of course, with today's viewers in mind. My dad thought that it was a purely gothic movie, possibly c-grade, but after watching it, he changed his mind so I give it plus points for that. I liked the musical numbers- especially the beginning and the part when victor first enters the land of death. Oh and the dvd has this thing where the take out the vocal bit, and then I put on the subtitles, and it becomes karaoke-ish! And it was fun to sing along to. The special features were a refreshing change from the sparse low-budget mirrormask , especially when they showed how much work was put into the puppet and costume-making. Ohoh and the frame-by-frame manual animation was cool too. The dvd also had a feature where you could see the actors voicing out the roles, and it is a split screen with the animation on one side and the actors on another.
I'm going for syf tomorrow and tomorrow the singapore idol's 1st Group of 7 Gals of the Top 28 will be at j8 at 4! not that they're that, well appealing (is that the right word?) yet, but it would be nice to get to meet some of them. The holidays are getting very boring and dvds don't seem to do the trick. Have lots of homework to do (still) but miss procrastinator is getting very insistent at times :( but I've been practising li3 jie3 wen4 da2 so yeah. I should be doing my filing and whatnot- read through the mark haddon book for ideas for anthology and due to lack of aptitude, have not been able to analyse or even understand most of the poems :( maybe I need crystal's help. or even felicia clara tan's. *sigh*
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