is a great site to visit! It is an MIT open courseware network, which means that all of the materials in the course are uploaded onto the website. Which is really really cool because then I get to read all about stuff like anthropology and whatnot. And sometimes they have videos of the lectures, and the lecturers do neat class experiments. The lectures are in fairly understandable language, which also means I can do class research here, or read when I don't understand things. Have I mentioned that it's free? And you don't have to register or anything. Though obviously you don't have course credits, or access to MIT faculty. But what the heck, it's great! I would like to go somewhere like MIT when I go to collage, but they say it's pretty competitive. I mean I would like to be able to hope that I can get into MIT for as long as possible, since I currently don't exactly have stellar time management/discipline skills, you have to have all these other extra-curricular points to get in, and of course they pick candidates from all over the world, so yeah, chances are slim. I would like to have my bubble intact for as long as possible, thanks.
I just ate something vegan suitable, and I am considering becoming a vegan- that means no consumption of animal products at all. For example, no butter or dairy, and sometimes no wheat/ gluten. (why?) After reading about dan piraro's veganism at, he has proved that humans are not anatomically made to eat meat. Animals raised on farms are ill-treated and abused, and in the process of obtaining products like fur, animals are inhumanely given a slow and painful death. Being dumb and innocent, I wrote something about chickens living in cramped coops should be made to run free. In today's enviroment, to do that would make your company suffer serious losses. Therefore the solution is to become a vegan. However, there are a few tiny problems:
1. Being vegan means no Ben and Jerry's. I am selfish enough to put myself above poor cows being milked dry. BUT Ben and Jerry's is a enviromentally sound company, and they might use milk from cows living in green pastures. So Ben and Jerry's might be allowed in my diet, though the vegan mom/ dan piraro doesn't eat ice-cream.
2. Being vegan also means no Carls Jr. Or poached fish, meepok, ipohhorfun, pizzas, or generally any kind of food that I indulge in and makes me happy.
Maybe I could be a part-time vegan on weekdays. But its difficult to go vegan in our school canteen): there isn't exactly much choice. And I dont feel like packing lunchboxes, but the easiest vegan thing to do is a peanut butter sandwich. I dont' feel like going all vegan-mumsy and doing cold soba with edamame at 6am in the morning. A part-time vegan sounds good. Maybe I could live on vegan snack bars. Or Odwalla smoothies!
Mugglecast's second live podcast is on August 2, in New York City! And OotP is said to be released on July 13th, 2007 (7/7/07 would be a nicer date.)
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