Thursday, June 22, 2006

You've gotta look near and far
You've gotta look here and there
You've gotta look everywhere
To find three presents for the sphinx.
-The Backyardigans
The backyardigans is a cool show on nickjr! I watch nickjr! The backyardigans airs weekdays at 1.30pm on Nickelodeon. Its a musical-type show where these kids have an adventure in their backyard. And the dancing is choreographed to dancers, and then shown to animators as a reference=great dancing. and the thing is, it looks great even on short, fat creatures with stumpy legs. And the kids who voice the charaters have very good voices. So watch the backyardigans on cable, even if its the only preschool show that you'll watch!

I feel stupid. but a little better after reading charisse's 'feel happy and positive' thing. She sounds a lot like motivational speakers. I am a diplomatic person. And therefore will not take sides in the ___ saga. And i am not worth commenting on it anyway, since I have little social experience, and socially inept. But I hope I won't be swayed by popular opinion, i.e. "everyone has done it/has one, why dont you?" Lots of teen advice websites, advocate 'not everyone has done it; say no' etcetc and i hope that works for me because sometimes i have problems staying true to myself. Pardon the teen queen cliche, but I 'm worried about that being a factor in the decisions I make. What if the choice I make isn't right for me? But because of that, I end up afraid to make any choices and let things happen in its way, and then I dont get what i would like because someone else has made the choice for me. -_-" ^-^ ._. @-@ >_> [/random] anime smilies are cool. By the way, I think the "say 'no' to drugs" campaign doesn't work because the cnb knows nothing about teen psychology/doesn't bother to get a teen counsellor about how difficult it is to say 'no' in today's society. At least the teen pregnancy people in the states know about this.

I have procrastination issues. I can't do my homework. at all. I shouldn't be saying that I can't, because then I really can't. I should be saying "go do your homework now, you insignificant flea. stop playing kol and go do your pt/anthology/everything else that you haven't done. go do your homework NOW." and i do that in my head, which doesnt really help much because of the fact that i have a weak concience[sp?]. My sister says that she does homework so that she can do whatever she wants later. Which doesn't really work for me because I think I will never finish my homework completely because there will be always more to do. And so there won't be a 'later'. I mean how can you stick doing homework when there's the computer on? I have to do reasearch on the computer, which makes it worse. I cant do homework on the computer, because there's always kol and whatnot with their ever so seductive wiles. They say breaking down a large task into smaller tasks helps. So I break my anthology into 5 different poems. I have problems even finding one that i like, and is appropriate.

Which leads me to the fact that I am indecisive. I worry about the choice that i will make, and if that is the wrong choice. "A poem!" you might say. All this worrying about choosing a poem. Crystal has tremendous self-disciplinary skills. She is doing her FPS, and has probably finished all the rest of her homework. I feel sick, feeble, and dumb in comparison. I have not much time to finish my homework, and put the deadline in my head in an attempt to get myself going, but no can do. I have a limited vocabulary to express myself. ohmygoodness this makes me think of german, and chinese. Don't get me started. Though chinese has been easier with many (you don't want to know how often) tuition sessions. I mean tuition is like the only time in the whole day that i do any work. I think I need yelling. Could someone yell at me please? I mean I could ask my mum to do that and start her off very well by showing her my physics paper, though she has yelled at me already today for leaving things at the very last minute. Help, anyone?

You must think I'm crazy, airing my weaknesses and all that jazz for all to see, like my smelly sweaty bootsocks. I used to think that telling everyone about every single inch of yourself made you vunerable to judgement, especially if you put your rants on a blog on which everyone in the whole wide world can see, especially people like ma'ams and juniors, or your teachers, your parents, your sister(so that she can rat on you to your mum) or anyone else that is capable of subjecting you to social torture. But sometimes sharing your problems with other people might get them solved faster, and it makes you feel a little better by writing it all down and generally identifying the problem.

Ben (of mugglecast) is against blogging, and Brookers (of youtube) is against v-logging because they think writing your diary for all the world to see is boring (right, a lot of paraphasing there, but you get the general idea.) but telling everyone what you have for lunch today isn't exactly interesting either. So I try to make my content less about myself, and more about what i think of things, like movies or books (Stardust was great!) to not get people bored of my life. I write for an audience and maybe sometimes for myself->< make that most of the time. But i am aware of the people who are reading this, though more often than not, I tend to bore the pants off people with my language, and fewmets, that i put here. Most of my friends' blogs tend to be one-paragraph, 'I hate you' ones or 'my day rocked' ones which is perfectly fine, but not very interesting.

I sincerely hope that this post doesn't bore the pants off you, and will not put you off the blog forever. Please stay.

ps: I have been peeing a lot because of syf. lmao. see what x says about our drill standards.

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