Wednesday, June 02, 2010

gosh I wish I could do this with pooky sometime.

haha on saturday I went to the same shop at far east I went to 1 1/2 years ago to buy a band shirt. My crappy memory thought that the ACDC shirt I bought in Oct 2008 was $10, until I checked the blogpost I did on that and realised that I paid $18 instead xD

Because I paid $20 for the muse shirt, and I thought I had been cheated. Well the lady said $18 first, and I gave her $20, but she didn't give me my change back, and I didn't want to cross her (yes I'm a schmuck) so I didn't ask for change and got the heck out of there. haha I make it sound like a very rough place but it really wasn't, it was just very crowded with merch-- they are very economical with their shopping real estate-- just a little bit more crowded than I remembered. Anyway the stock had changed a little; there were a lot of leftover michael jackson shirts, and then they had more updated stuff like fall out boy and MCR, and good stuff like the Beatles. There was iron maiden and a lot of metal-looking bands, but I don't really like the fact that I like iron maiden but their art is so... ugly. (for lack of a better word).

There was a yellow submarine Beatles shirt, and I was torn between that and the Muse shirt, although I eventually decided on the muse shirt because I already have a beatles shirt. And Muse one was of a music festival-thing; there was Jet and um haha a lot of other bands listed, with a cool graphic. The shirt's in the wash right now, and mmm I'm not wearing it until I've altered it. I liked my acdc shirt a LOT better after it had been altered; it fit better (duh) but I'm also proud of my altering skillz xD

Although I don't have enough expertise to trust myself to alter my skirts properly lol because it's a little bit harder than altering shirts and I'm worried that it'll come out all wrong. So I'm bringing them to the laundromat/ tailor when I have the time and/or money.

On a related note, I don't know why you would be interested in reading the above. But I had something to talk about and I need to talk because I haven't had the chance to talk to people irl lately. (I got to talk to pooky the other night, which was great!) I kind of like juggling two conversations on msn because all my friends come online at the same time >.> and then my SISTER comes to talk to me just to annoy me, so I have to talk to her and talk to two people at the same time so it's very confusing but fun.

ANYWAY I haven't had the chance to catch up with geeru or michele lately, so I'll probably ask them out for lunch/ studying at The Garden Slug hmm but it's always so hard to ask school friends out because they're always busy with something-- cca, finishing up school work, other friends ETC *sigh* but I really want to ask someone out and talk to them and get to know how they're DOING and kythe a little bit.

If you've read madeline l'engle you'll probably know what I mean, and you'll also probably think it's so passe but really I believe in kything. You know the lull in conversation when you're with a good friend, and both of you aren't saying anything but you're just enjoying the moment and taking it all in? like the time I went to WWW with michele and geeru and we were not speaking, yet so... together at the same time. Just appreciating everything and taking it all in.

And then there was a time when I was with a friend and there was a slight pause in the conversation. I remember thinking: "This is the most comfortable I have ever been in a long time and I don't want it to end."

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