Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello one and all! Today's post will be quick because I've got to go edit a video! (and some might say FINALLY nicole puts up a video; I've been posting for weeks and she hasn't done anything-- this is not fair!) So yes, it is very obviously an urgent matter.

Today my friend and I sat at the It Table for lunch. It wasn't intentional, really-- I was halfway through with eating and realised that a lot of It People were sitting within close proximity. We only moved there because there was a ceiling fan (yes yes, I practically live in a sweltering desert) above the table, and also because it wasn't "exposed to the elements", as my friend calls it. Anyway once I realised that we were sitting at the It Table it was so funny because there were people sitting closer and closer to me, and they all had this "who are you?" vibe. And if we had any social skills to speak of, we would have moved away but they couldn't tell us to shove off, because It People want to seem nice and friendly to their It Friends.

And then friend B came over:
FRIEND B: Hi :D can I crash your table? *sits down*
FRIEND B: *pause* "Isn't this the It Table?"
ME: heehee yes it is
FRIEND B: Okay I think I'll go sit somewhere else.

*shrugs* It wasn't anything big, anyway, because I was having lunch at 2.30pm, when everyone else probably has class or after school activities-- we don't have fixed lunch periods; we just eat when there's a break in our timetables. On fridays I have a really long break from 10.30am to 3.15pm, so I had a lunch date with friend A, who only ends class at 2.20pm.

The concept of It People, in my school at least, is not often discussed because it is not an issue. To be honest, there are too many people to have a social hierarchy (there are about 1100+ people in my year) and usually social groups are too varied for any order to be established. For example, you could belong in your class, afterschool activity, or interest-social groups, all at the same time. And the "power" of the It People is non-existent, because anyone with eyes and ears knows that they really are bitches.


1. What do you think of the stereotypical high school social structure? Does it apply to your culture/ school?

2. Do you think that a social hierarchy has to exist in any society, even in the microcosm of high school?

3. Is the social structure in your high school a representation of adult society? Because how we behave as young people might be indicative of how society will behave in 10 years. ("children are the future" etc.)

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