Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Welcome to Day 8 of BEDA. It's only day 8 and I've missed two days >< this is not going well. Punishments are in order. I think. I have to upload one good video for every day I miss? If I upload crappy vlogs then it's cheating. If I do no uphold this self-imposed punishment, you can quote me on this.

Back to business. So recently jbdazen uploaded a video which talked about homosexuality and whether it should remain an issue. Because if it is widely accepted, legalizing same-sex marriage shouldn't be something to cheer about; it should be a given. And then there are people who upload videos like these, which sometimes make me stop believing in the human race.
Wrote the above at 11.30pm thereabouts, and it's 1.07am now, and he's replied to my comment! *is happy* I think I should go reply a couple comments now. And emails. *guilt*

Right back. Oh jeez when I read things from people I respect it makes me feel so so happy that there are people/ adults existing who believe in change and the ability to make it happen. Although in a, well, xenophobic way the internets make me a little narrow-minded, when I can choose to read/ consume only media that affirms my beliefs. Solution: I should read newspapers!! And it makes me so so happy when someone replies that there are people who are lovely and willing to share their thoughts, or take time to consider your opinions and say something helpful or thought-provoking.

Gosh I sound crazy-- all this over a reply but still! Here it is for posterity:
I said this--
"urgh in my school the glbt thing isn't even taken seriously enough to be discussed! When someone calls someone else "gay" [and it still happens a lot D:] it's considered an insult. And when a girl in my school was talking about being lesbian, people thought it was just a phase."

and then jbdazen replies:
"In high school, when everyone's going through a lot of changes, the need to 'fit in' is the highest. So people who fear to be left out are instead singling out people who are brave enough to show themselves as they are. It's a problem of all times. It gets better when you grow older. However, teachers and parents should be more supportive and protective for people who dare to be different, because the bullying can cause traumas at later age."

*is honoured* I think I need to find synonyms for 'happy'.

Today I was delighted because I got to eat soy ice-cream. On a cone :D
if you know me and my vegetarian thing, you'll know what I mean.

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