Saturday, April 04, 2009

oh dear. this is getting to look like Blog Every Other Day April (BEODA)
What am I going to say!
It would be absatively boring to talk about what went on today. How people do [vlog every day april] is incredible to me. To take time out to film and edit a video... every day?! Maybe it's just lack-of-time-management-skills me.

In other news, lemonfacee (rachel) has uploaded a new video! Yay! She's studying for her gcses, and I sympathise.

I think my blogskin is terribly generic at the moment. The only worry I have is that I'll pick a skin that about something I like for only a period of time, then I'll get tired of it, and not change to something else because I think it's too troublesome to pick out another one. Also, having a generic blogskin is more professional! (I only think this way because people I follow don't have kitschy blogskins.)

Right. I'll look up maureen johnson and her advice on how to write a blog. How do her blogposts get so long?! (I'm obviously not considering the fact that she is a professional writer.)
Meep. I think I'll go with #2: TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DID ALL DAY

Hmm. Today I woke up at 8, had tuition, then breakfast. SLEPT from 10-12.30. I had to repay my debt to the Sleep Bank. Really. I sleep at 1-2am most days and wake up at 6.30 for school. Ah. This still doesn't justify why I am such a pig, but back to the point.

Went for lunch. Had pasta at a japanese place.
Had a haircut, ended up looking like V from V for Vendetta. Laughed at mirror when hairdresser was done, like I did with the last haircut. This time, at least, I merely giggled. Hairdresser makes indecipherable expression, moves on to next customer. Dad agrees that I look like V. Despair! At least I resemble a fictional revolutionary.

Came home, watched CSI: NY on dvd, was impressed by cinematography but not much else. My alliances lie with the original CSI, the one with gil grissom!

Sat myself down to a 3 1/2 hour online practice SAT test while listening to internet radio playing 50s/ 60s music; scored dismally. I swear it was the music.

Watched an old movie on cable after dinner (I need to watch less TV) and successfully missed project runway.

And that was my day! On weekdays this gets less interesting, so I might start to agonise a lot more. tchus!

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