Monday, April 13, 2009

Urgh. Had a rough night. *shields eyes*
Shall put the video count at the end of the blogpost.

Today's post is coming early! It's 5.30pm. (yay not after midnight) Because the probability of me making a blogpost later when I get home is close to zero. But, um, it's good that I'm posting! ...right? I'm in the school's computer lab, and sometimes people eat here and leave food in the keyboard... yuck. [HAY the guy in front of me has paypal! *envy*] And uh haha obviously privacy is an issue.

Today I'll be talking about television! About how awful it is and how I should seriously stop watching so much of it. Because last night I spent three hours watching Say Yes to the Dress, E!, the Style network, Strictly Come Dancing, and London Ink. (which is way better than LA ink, but nevermind.)

The point is! That I should be watching less tv and spend less time watching trash. Ever since we signed up for a new cable plan, I've been watching too much tv! It's so easy to just sit and channel surf because there are so many channels, but the thing is, I don't usually watch the good stuff. This is in light of the fact that we have animal planet, natgeo, discovery, discovery science and the history channel.

I should be going to uni! That way I'll watch less tv, because I won't bring one and I'll bring my laptop. I won't have time to watch tv or anything of that sort because I'll be too busy doing homework, making videos and reading. (Says the one who spent two weeks at a collage prep program watching korean dramas till 3am.)

And as an alternative to watching tv, I should spend my time on youtube/ creating my own content. The power of new media is that it is made by the people, for the people and is truly democratic. I'm also supporting original and awesome creators of music, art, and literature! (i.e. wizard rock, fanart, and fanfics)

But really, choosing what kind of media we wish to fill our minds with is more empowering, and lets the right people know that they are appreciated. I don't want to give credit to the "creators" on E! and encourage production of even more shows of low quality. [HEY guy in front of me is on youtube and listening to craig david. Ew. Darn I get distracted easily.]

The point is, that when you have the choice, you should choose to consume media that is representative of the democratic state, not media that represents the opinions of conglomerates who fund it.

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